My Go-To Immune Support Supplements in My Home Apothecary ð“Ž©

My Go-To Immune Support Supplements in My Home Apothecary ð“Ž©

Identifying your home health care needs is the most essential phase in starting a home apothecary. From daily health optimization to first aid and seasonal immune support, you'll want to keep the essentials on hand. But for the purpose of this post, we’ll be highlighting immunity.

Lowered immunity happens due to weather changes, lifestyle factors such as lack of sleep, poor nutrition and nutritional deficiencies, substance abuse, physical inactivity, or excessive exercise, as well as environmental toxins, chronic stress, and gut dysbiosis (impaired microbiota).

Nutrition is key to having a strong immune system! Supportive nutrients and supplements can reduce the frequency, intensity, or length of cold and flu symptoms by targeting the immune system. I like to think of food as my health care and supplements as my health insurance. Supplements help to fill in the gaps and boost nutrient levels. It’s important to remember that the nutrition from food always comes first as you can’t out-supplement a crappy diet. 

When your immunity is down, focus on nutrient-dense foods that are easily digestible, such as nourishing soups, bone broth, mashed, liquid, and puréed foods. Doing so allows the body to heal and repair itself instead of focusing on digestion.

The 3- Cleanse, Nourish, & Rebuild Plan can help you with this.

What’s going on in your gut? This is 80ish % of your entire immune system!  A convenient home testing kit is available.

Take the time now to look through your home apothecary so you may be prepared for the changing of the seasons.

Below are some of my favorite go-to supplements I use myself and recommend to family, friends, and clients to support themselves and their families. 

The QUALITY of supplements matters!  You are not a lab experiment!

🌿Products in the Fullscript catalog are enforced with strict quality controls to ensure what’s on the label is in the bottle. 

🌿3rd party tested, safe, effective. 

🌿Free of contaminants and rancidity. 

🌿Certification of analysis. 

🌿Large online resellers are making headlines for poor supplement quality including Amazon! 

🌿Always discuss supplementation with your MD!


→ Create your account → Catalog → Wholistic Livin’s Favorites 

in health, Stefanie xoxo

None of the statements or products contained herein this article are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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