Your Virtual Holistic Health, Wellness, & Skincare Hub

Holistic living made easy 🌿

3-Day Cleanse Approved List—for packaged foods & nutrition on the go!

How does a product make it on Stefanie’s approved list?

—By containing few and REAL ingredients! 

Zero added sugars, including sugar alcohols or maltodextrin, and nothing artificial! Natural sugars only.

—Must have the good salts only, no iodized salt. 

—No industrialized oils (only coconut, avocado, olive oil, or gee).

No artificial, natural, or organic coloring or flavoring (unless the source is disclosed by the company and is au naturale).

—No added chemicals or preservatives.

—And no cans, or BPA lined packaging.

See What’s On The List So Far!

3-Day Cleanse—Non-Toxic Home & Body

Everything here for home and body is researched to be non-toxic. Start making small changes today!

See What’s On The List So Far!


Virtual 3-Day Cleanse Coaching Sessions

Optimize your cleanse with coaching sessions! Take a deeper dive with your coach, Stefanie Juon for 45 minutes 🥑

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What’s going on in Your Gut?

Functional Microbiome Analysis

Not sure what you should be eating? Get tested! Everyone’s diet should be individualized. It’s super easy and convenient, and there’s no guesswork involved. Order your test today with the Functional Microbiome Analysis - HOME TEST KIT BiomeFx

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Uncovering Food Sensitivities

IgG Food MAP with Candida + Yeast

IgG food sensitivities provide a useful guide for personalized rotation/elimination diets with clinical impact associated with a variety of diseases. People may continue to eat offending foods unaware of their potential adverse effects, because symptoms associated with food sensitivities may occur hours or days after the offending food was eaten.

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Any statements or products mentioned herein this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.